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“Charles, Prince of Wales, to His Governor,

Lord Newcastle.


“My Lord,

“I would not have you take too much phisicke, for it doth always make me worse; and I think it will doe the like with you. I ride every day, and am ready to follow any other directions from you.

“Make haste back to him that loves you.

“Charles P.”

A letter of instructions written by Newcastle to his pupil is a curiosity in its way. It is a sort of English Il Principe. Only portions of it are given here.

“The Earl of Newcastle’s Letter of Instructions to Prince Charles for His Studies, Conduct and Behaviour.ssss1


“(From a copy preserved with the Royal Letters in the Harleian MS. 6988, art. 62.)

ssss1 Ellis’s Letters, Series I. vol. III. p. 288.

“May it Please your Highness ...

“for your education Sir, It is fitt you should have some languages, though I confess I would rather have you study things then words, matter, then language; for seldom a Critick in many languages hath time to study sense, for words; and at best he is or can be but a living dictionary. Besides I would not have you too studious, for too much contemplation spoiles action, and Virtue consists in that. What you read, I woud have it History and the best chosen Histories, that so you might compare the dead with the living, ... and thus you shall see the excellency and errors both of Kings and subjects, and tho’ you are young in years, yet living by your wading in all those times, be older in wisdom and judgement then Nature can afford any man to be without this help.
