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See Bindery, ssss1.

See Bostwick, under Rooms for Classes, p. 325, prox.


Exceptional Cases

Middle of Blocks.

Top Floors.

Museums or Art Galleries in Same Building.

Those who are interested in such combinations are referred to the English library books and magazines, passim. The union of libraries and museums in England, indeed, is so common as to be recognized in the Library Acts. If art or other exhibitions are a feature of the library management, they can be provided for as suggested under the head of exhibitions elsewhere.

Alterations and Enlargements.

If the building is found susceptible of inexpensive alterations, which would render it entirely suitable for such work as the library wants to do, it will evidently be unwise to trust the task to an architect, inexperienced in library alterations, or even to the advice of an immature librarian. Here, if ever, is there need, from the side of economy as well as the side of utility, of a wise library expert, for fear of making a botch.
