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Salus, honor et argentum

Atque bonum appetitum.

We know to-day many of the truthful precepts of the School of Salerno and their bearing on the medical records of the middle ages. Then as now the doctor had the ever increasing ingratitude of the patient (ad proccarendam oegrorum ingratitudinem).

“The disciple of Hippocrates meeteth often treatment rude,

The payment of his trouble is base ingratitude.

When the patient is in grievous pain the time is opportune

For a keen, sharp-witted doctor to make a good fortune.

Let him profit by the sufferer’s aches and gather in the money,

For the ant gets winter provender and the summer bee its honey.”

Our ancient friends had no pity for charlatans, however. They rightfully abused all medical impostors, as we read in the precepts of Salerno’s school:

“Il n’est par d’ignorant, de chartatan stupide,

D’histron imposteur, ou de Juif fourbe avide,

De sorciere crasseuse ou de barbier bavard,

De faussiare inpudent, ou de moine cafard,

De marchand de savon, ou de avengle oculiste,
