Читать книгу Thomas Merton's Poetics of Self-Dissolution онлайн
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16 Thomas Merton on St. Bernard (Michigan: Cistercian Publications, 1970), p. 119.
17 Thomas Merton, The Seven Storey Mountain (New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1978), p. 11.
A Chronology
of Thomas Merton’s Life & Publications1
1915 - 31 January - born at Prades, France, son of Owen Merton (artist from New Zealand) and of Ruth Jenkins (artist from USA)
1916 - moved to USA, lived at Douglaston, L.I. (with his mother’s family)
1921 - his mother dies - from cancer
1922 - in Bermuda with his father who went there to paint
1925 - to France with his father, lived at St. Antonin
1926 - entered Lycée Ingres, Montauban, France
1928 - to England - Ripley Court school, then to Oakham (1929)
1931 - his father dies of a brain tumor
1932 - at Oakham School he acquired a scholarship to Clare College, Cambridge
1933 - visited Italy, spent summer in USA, entered Cambridge in the fall - study of modern languages (French and Italian)
1934 - left Cambridge and returned to USA
1935 - entered Columbia University