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The city of New York was startled one fine Sunday morning (1865) by an explosion in Greenwich Street, opposite the Wyoming Hotel, the windows of every house within one hundred yards of the entrance to the Wyoming Hotel were shattered, pedestrians were thrown down, and the pavement broken up. A few minutes previous to the explosion, one of the guests in the hotel had been engaged polishing his boots; for this purpose he had drawn from under the counter of the hotel office a small box, on which he had rested his foot; noticing a reddish vapor emanating from there, he drew the attention of the hotel clerk to it, who taking the box in his hands made his way to the front door and threw it into the gutter, whereupon explosion instantly followed.

An investigation of the circumstances connected with the storage of this box, developed the following facts: Some time previously a passenger from Germany who had occupied a room at the hotel, being unsuccessful in obtaining employment had left it as security for his board, stating that it was Glonoin Oil, a new material that had been used in Germany for blasting purposes with great success, that he, the passenger, had been entrusted with an agency for introducing the same to miners and others, but had failed to get it introduced into use; undoubtedly the box contained Nitro-Glycerin, manufactured by the Nobel Brothers, who had a manufactory where this explosive was compounded, at Hamburgh.
