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In all the above cases the Nitro-Glycerin manufactured at Hamburgh reached New York safely; in the Wyoming Hotel explosion it had been lying in the hotel several weeks, in the Aspinwall catastrophe it had been transported over the Isthmus and reshipped by steamer as express freight by Wells, Fargo & Co., to San Francisco, and carted to their office in Montgomery Street before the explosion occurred. It subsequently transpired that the immediate cause of the explosion at Aspinwall was a case slipping from the slings whilst being hoisted out of the hold of the vessel; in San Francisco, the circumstances as detailed to the writer, were as follows: a man passing by Wells, Fargo & Co.’s office heard one of the employee’s address a gentleman riding past on horseback, saying, “Doctor, we have got a case of glonoin oil and it seems to be smoking, I wish you would step in and advise us what had better be done with it;” the doctor (Hill) dismounted, requesting a passer-by to take charge of his horse and walk it up and down the block, the animal being too high spirited to stand without an attendant; scarcely had the person in charge gone a block from the office when the explosion occurred. It can only be inferred that in breaking open the case to discover the cause of leakage of red fumes, the Nitro-Glycerin was exploded. I have since ascertained from the New York consignee of this parcel of Nitro-Glycerin, (Messrs. Nobel’s agent) that after the shipment to Panama, which was only a part of the consignment from Hamburgh, the agent leaving another portion in warehouse in Tenth Street, New York, proceeded to Lake Superior in the winter season with a part of the same shipment, where, on arrival and opening the cases, he found it had been packed in bottles surrounded with sawdust, and in congealing had burst the bottles, a portion of the Nitro-Glycerin being found solid in the neck of the bottle. This therefore, if correctly reported, would go to prove the Nobel Nitro-Glycerin expands during congelation.[1] What had been bottles containing Nitro-Glycerin were now fragments of broken glass, whilst the Nitro-Glycerin itself, owing to the extremely cold temperature of a Lake Superior winter, was found in solid mass of the exact mould of the bottle that had contained it. Upon discovering this condition of the cases and their contents the consignee at Lake Superior telegraphed to his correspondent in New York: “Direct Messrs. Bandmann to throw the cases of Nitro-Glycerin, shipped to them, overboard on arrival.” Probably in the belief that the temperature of the upper lakes was the cause of the broken bottles and that the warmer temperature of the tropics and San Francisco did not apply, this advice was neglected.