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Alexander, known as “The Gamekeeper,” who had, a short time before, defeated the game Jack Ford, at Hayes Common, now challenged Painter, and the match was made for 60 guineas a-side. The Fancy betted two to one on Alexander! The battle came off at Moulsey Hurst, on Saturday, the 20th of November, 1813. Gregson and Tom Owen were the knowing seconds to Painter; Old Joe Ward and the veteran Paddington Jones attended to the Gamekeeper. At one o’clock the men stood up, there being scarcely a point to choose, in height, weight, or length of arm.


Round 1.—Painter gave evidence of improvement, and immediately went to work with both hands. The Gamekeeper, equally on the alert, hit Painter on the head. Some blows were exchanged, when Alexander went down, from a slip on his knee.

2.—Some caution before blows were exchanged. Alexander did not show himself off in the superior style which had been anticipated. Painter proved himself an equal, if not a superior fighter to his opponent. They fought their way into a close, and in going down, the Gamekeeper was undermost. (Five to two now vanished, and level betting was the truth.)
