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41.—Spring, in a struggle, fell upon Carter, which appeared to shake him to pieces.

42.—Spring made a hit upon Carter’s nose, but was too weak to follow up this advantage. In closing, on the ropes, both down.

43.—Both down.

44.—The right eye of Carter was nearly closed; but Spring was still weak, and went down from a slight hit.

45 to 49.—Both down in all these rounds. Hugging was the leading feature; but whenever Spring could extricate himself he did, and administered punishment to his opponent.

50.—Spring hit Carter out of the ropes but, to the astonishment of the spectators, he got up with the utmost sang froid.

51.—Carter tried to make a hit with his right hand, but it was stopped. After a few exchanges, Spring went down very weak. One hour and twenty-five minutes had passed, and severity of punishment was not visible, to any extent, on either side.

52.—Spring now went in, hitting and following Carter closely, till he punished him down. (“Bravo, Spring! the Champion’s not in Carlisle now.”)
