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Remarks.—The courage exhibited by Cooper was equal to anything ever witnessed, but he was so ill before he left the ring that some fears were entertained for his safety. After the astonishment had subsided a little, the question round the ring was, “Who on the present list can beat Hickman?” The courage and confidence of Hickman seemed so indomitable that he entered the ring certain of victory. Both combatants were terribly punished, and Cooper showed himself as game a man as ever pulled off a shirt. The Gas Man, it was observed, used his right hand only.

In consequence of Hickman being informed that Cooper wished for another battle, he put forth the following challenge in the Weekly Dispatch, October 8, 1820.

To George Cooper, Britannia Tavern, Edinburgh.


“Having seen a letter written by you from Edinburgh to Tom Belcher, at the Castle Tavern, Holborn, stating that you wished I would give you the preference respecting another battle between us, I now publicly inform you that I am ready to fight you for any sum that may suit you; and, as a proof that I am ready to accommodate you according to your request, it is indifferent to me whether it is in London or Edinburgh. But if at the latter place, I shall expect my expenses of training to be paid, and also the expenses of the journey of my second and bottle-holder. Having proved the conqueror, I felt myself satisfied, and had no idea of another contest; but I cannot refuse a challenge.
