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The match at length was knocked up in a hurry over a glass of wine, a deposit made, and the following articles of agreement entered into:—

“Castle Tavern, October 13, 1821.

“Thomas Belcher, on the part of W. Neat, and an amateur on the part of Hickman, have made a deposit of 25 guineas a-side, to make it 100 guineas a-side, on Monday, the 20th inst. The money is placed in the hands of the President of the Daffy Club. To be a fair stand-up fight; half-minute time. The match to take place on the 11th of December, half-way between Bristol and London. An umpire to be chosen on each side, and a referee upon the ground. The battle-money to be 200 guineas a-side, and to be made good, a fortnight before fighting, at Belcher’s.”

Immediately on the above articles being signed five to four was betted on Hickman. Neat, it was said, would be nearly two stone heavier than the Gas-light Man. It will be recollected that both Neat and Hickman defeated Oliver, but with this vast difference—Neat won it after a long fight of one hour and thirty-one minutes, and during the battle it was once so much in favour of Oliver that £100 to £3 was offered, and no takers; while, on the contrary, the Gas defeated Oliver in twelve minutes, without giving the latter boxer a shadow of chance. Neat had appeared only once in the prize ring; he was a great favourite at Bristol, and one of the finest made men in the kingdom. He was also said to be much improved in pugilistic science.
