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8.—This was rather a dangerous round to Spring, and he might have lost the battle from it, although it was in his favour. Some severe blows passed on both sides, when the combatants fought their way to the ropes, and got entangled in so curious a manner that it appeared so difficult to the spectators that “Go down, Spring,” was the cry. The struggle to get the best of the throw was severe indeed; they grappled at each other’s hand, and if Shelton had not held up the rope, they were so entangled that the men must have been parted; however, by a strong effort they got away from this dilemma into the middle of the ring, when Spring hit Burn well as he was falling, but Spring also fell upon his head. (Loud shouting for Spring.)

9.—The preceding struggle had distressed Spring so much, that in setting-to he put down his hands quite exhausted; nevertheless, it turned out a severe round, and Spring jobbed his opponent so severely that, in closing, Burn was so confused that he caught hold of Spring’s nose. (Great disapprobation.) In going down Burn was undermost.
