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“But he also pledged himself, when he received the championship, to imitate the donor’s conduct. Then why not redeem his pledge, or resign the gift?

“He says that he does not wish to enter the ring again. This is mere shuffling. He ought not to hold a situation for which he has no taste: he cannot, in justice, have the honour without the danger. If he will not fight, then let him resign the championship to one that will—to a man who will not want to make a sinecure of the title, and will always be ready to fight for a stake of £500.

“Permit me again to repeat that I am ready to make a match to fight Spring for £500 a-side, within a hundred miles of London, on a stage[4] similar to the one on which Cribb and Molineaux fought. Sparring exhibitions I cannot attend till I set-to for my friend Reynolds, on the 17th of March.

“I am, gentlemen, your very obedient servant,


Castle Tavern, Holborn, February 26.

This letter produced its desired effect, for next week Spring thus addressed the several sporting editors:—
