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J. All right. I kin do it.

S. J. Be very particular not to make any mistakes.

J. I’ll do my best.

S. J. (taking his hat). I’ve got to go round to the bank to deposit this money, and will be right back. See how much you can copy while I am gone.

J. Yes, I’ll work faithful.

(Exit S. J., L.)

J. (solus). Well, aint that a streak of luck! Here I am, just come to the city, and earnin’ a salary of two thousand dollars a year. Won’t it make dad stare? I guess marm’ll be glad I come now. Wonder what Mary Jane’ll say? She’ll be mighty sorry I’ve gone and left her. But she aint fit for the wife of a merchant like me! I must write to dad to-night. I would now, only my time belongs to the firm. Two thousand dollars a year! Why, that’s six dollars a day, and more, almost as much a day as I used to git in a month. Guess I’ll buy a watch after I git my first month’s pay. Holloa, what’s that?

(Enter Thomas Hempton, R.)

H. (looking at Jonathan with surprise). What are you doing here?

J. (with dignity). Tendin’ to business.
