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“Mr. Fernando Clapp,—Dear Sir: I am instructed by your tailor to present, for immediate payment, his bill amounting to twenty-one dollars, eighteen cents and three-quarters. You are requested to pay immediate attention to it, as otherwise the law will take cognizance of your delinquency.

“Timothy Pettigrew, Att’y at Law.”

Ed. (furiously to P. D. entering R.). How did this get into the paper?

P. D. (smiling). You gave it out as copy, sir.

Ed. When?

P. D. The first day you were here.

(Exit P. D. as Dr. Randall enters L. He is evidently very much excited. He holds in his hand a copy of the “Post.”)

Dr. R. (pointing to an item). Did you write that?

Ed. (coolly). Yes. I hope it suits you.

Dr. R. Suits me! Confound your impudence! Suits me! What do you mean by that, sir?

Ed. You seem angry—why, I am at a loss to guess.

Dr. R. Sir, in noticing my medicine, you have insulted me.

Ed. (surprised). In noticing your medicine! How?

Dr. R. (placing paper within two inches of Ed.’s nose, he repeats), “He says it will cure the most obstinate case of dyspepsia. Perhaps it may.” I demand an explanation, sir.
