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Mrs. J. Yes; he’s quite an acquisition. (Bell rings.) Besides, who knows but—(Enter Miss Trist, L.)

Miss Trist. Good mornin’, ma’am. Good mornin’, miss. (Mrs. J. and A. both bow.) I’ve come to see about gettin’ boarded.

Mrs. J. I think we can accommodate you. What kind of a room would you like?

Miss T. It don’t make no sort o’ difference to me. I only want a shelter. ’Taint likely I shall be spared long to need one.

Mrs. J. (with sympathy). Are you an invalid?

Miss T. No, I aint sick yet, but there’s no knowin’ how soon I may be. My mother died young, and died suddenly, too. I expect to go in the same way.

Mrs. J. I hope not. (A pause.) We have rooms which, with board, vary from twelve to twenty dollars per week.

Miss T. My sakes! That’s an awful price, aint it? But then I might as well spend my money for board as to leave it for my relations to quarrel over.

Mrs. J. That certainly is a better way.

Miss T. (mournfully). Perhaps you wouldn’t think it, from my comin’ here to get boarded; but I’ve got three sisters and two brothers, and they’re all watchin’ to see if I aint goin’ to get sick an’ die, so they can have my money.
