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When to talke with spirits, and to have true answers to find out a theefe. ssss1.

¶ To speake with spirits. ssss1.

A confutation of conjuration, especiallie of the raising, binding and dismissing of the divell, of going invisible and other lewd practises. ssss1.

A comparison betweene popish exorcists and other conjurors, a popish conjuration published by a great doctor of the Romish church, his rules and cautions. ssss1.

A late experiment, or cousening conjuration practised at Orleance by the Franciscane Friers, how it was detected, and the judgement against the authors of that comedie. pag. 435.

Who may be conjurors in the Romish church besides priests, a ridiculous definition of superstition, what words are to be used and not used in exorcismes, rebaptisme allowed, it is lawfull to conjure any thing, differences betweene holie water and conjuration. pag. 438.

The seven reasons why some are not rid of the divell with all their popish conjurations, why there were no cōjurors in the primitive church, and why the divell is not so soone cast out of the bewitched as of the possessed. pag. 441.
