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Ans. Then are they kin to the Anthropophagi and Canibals. But I beleeve never an honest man in England nor in France, will affirme that he hath seene any of these persons, that are said to be witches, do so; if they shuld, I beleeve it would poison them.

12They kill men with poison.

Ans. Let them be hanged for their labour.

13They kill mens cattell.

Ans. Then let an action of trespasse be brought against them for so dooing.

14They bewitch mens corne, and bring hunger and barrennes into the countrie; they ride and flie in the aire, bring stormes, make tempests, &c.

Ans. Then will I worship them as gods; for those be not the works of man, nor yet of witch: as I have elsewhere prooved at large.

15They use venerie with a divell called Incubus, even when they lie in bed with their husbands, and have children by them, which become the best witches.

Ans. This is the last lie, verie ridiculous, and confuted by me elsewhere./34.

The tenth Chapter.


A refutation of the former surmised crimes patched togither by Bodin, and the onelie waie to escape the inquisitors hands.
