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But if this their confession be examined by divinitie, philosophie, physicke, lawe or conscience, it will be found false and insufficient. First, for that the working of miracles is ceased. Secondlie, no reason can be yeelded for a thing so farre beyond all reason. Thirdlie, no receipt can be of such efficacie, as when the same is touched with a bare hand, from whence the veines have passage through the bodie unto the hart, it should not annoie the poisoner; and yet reteine vertue and force enough, to pearse through so manie garments and the verie flesh incurablie, to the place of death in another person. Cui argumento (saith Bodin) nescio quid / responderi possit.J. Bod. de dæmon. lib. 2. cap. 8.51. Fourthlie, no lawe will admit such a confession, as yeeldeth unto impossibilities, against the which there is never any lawe provided; otherwise it would not serve a mans turne, to plead and proove that he was at Berwicke that daie, that he is accused to have doone a murther in Canturburie; for it might be said he was conveied to Berwicke, and backe againe by inchantment. Fiftlie, he is not by con- science to be executed,In a little pamphlet of the acts and hanging of foure witches, in anno. 1579. which hath no sound mind nor perfect judgement. And yet forsooth we read, that one mother Stile did kill one Saddocke with a touch on the shoulder, for not keeping promise with hir for an old cloake, to make hir a safegard; and that she was hanged for hir labour.
