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Of bishop Sylvanus his leacherie opened and covered againe, how maides having yellow haire are most combred with Incubus, how maried men are bewitched to use other mens wives, and to refuse their own.

The sixt Chapter.


How to procure the dissolving of bewitched love, also to enforce a man (how proper so ever he be) to love an old hag: and of a bawdie tricke of a priest in Gelderland.

The seventh Chapter.81.


Of divers saincts and holie persons, which were exceeding bawdie and lecherous, and by certeine miraculous meanes became chaste.

The eight Chapter.


Certeine popish and magicall cures, for them that are bewitched in their privities.

Item,Aliter. the eating of a haggister or pie helpeth one bewitched in that member.

Item,Aliter. the smoke of the tooth of a dead man.

Item,Aliter. to annoint a mans bodie over with the gall of a crow.

Item, to fill a quill with quicke silver, and laie the same under the cushine, where such a one sitteth, or else to put it under the threshold of the doore of the house or chamber where he dwelleth.
