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Tertullian and Sulpicius SeverusTertull. in libro de habitu muliebri. Sulp. Sever. in epitome hist. sacr. doo interpret Filios Dei in that place to be angels, or evill spirits, and to have beene enamored with the beautie of those wenches; and finallie, begat giants by/88. them. Which is throughlie confuted by Chrysostome, Hom. 22. in Gen: but speciallie by the circumstance of the text.

The twelfe Chapter.


The censure of G. Chaucer, upon the knaverie of Incubus.

*For Geffr. Chau. in the beginning of the wife of Baths tale. [* Ital.] now the great charitie and praiers

Of limitors and other holie friers,

That searchen everie land and everie streame

As thicke as motes in the sunne beame,/68.

Blissing halles, kitchens, chambers & bowers,

Cities, borroghes, castels and hie towers,

Thropes, barnes, shepens, and dairies,

This maketh that there beene now no fairies;

For there as woont to walken was an elfe,

There walketh now the limitor himselfe,

In undermeales, and in mornings,
