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Who they be that are called witches, with a manifest declaration of the cause that mooveth men so commonlie to thinke, & witches themselves to beleeve that they can hurt children, cattell, &c. with words and imaginations: and of coosening witches. ssss1.

What miraculous actions are imputed to witches by witchmongers, papists, and poets. ssss1.

A confutation of the common conceived opinion of witches and witchcraft, and how detestable a sinne it is to repaire to them for counsell or helpe in time of affliction. ssss1.

A further confutation of witches miraculous and omnipotent power, by invincible reasons and authorities, with dissuasions from such fond credulitie. ssss1.

By what meanes the name of witches becommeth so famous, & how diverslie people be opinioned concerning them and their actions. ssss1.

Causes that moove as well witches themselves as others to thinke that they can worke impossibilities, with answers to certeine objections: where also their punishment by law is touched. ssss1.
