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What were the miracles expressed in the old testament, and what are they in the new testament: and that we are not now to looke for anie more miracles. pag. 175.

The tenth Booke.

THe interpretation of the Hebrue word Onen, of the vanitie of dreames, and divinations thereupon. ssss1.

Of divine, naturall, & casuall dreames, with the differing causes and effects. ssss1.

The opinion of divers old writers touching dreames, and how they varie in noting the causes therof. p. 179.

Against interpretors of dreames, of the ordinarie cause of dreames, Hemingius his opinion of diabolicall dreames, the interpretation of dreames ceased. ssss1./

S s. iii. v.That neither witches, nor anie other, can either by words or herbs, thrust into the mind of a sleeping man, what cogitations or dreames they list; and whence magicall dreames come. pag. 181.

How men have beene bewitched, cousened or abused by dreames to dig and search for monie. pag. 182.

The art & order to be used in digging for monie, revealed by dreames, how to procure pleasant dreames, of morning and midnight dreames. p. 183.
