Читать книгу Plain Parochial Sermons, preached in the Parish Church of Bolton-le-Moors онлайн

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3. Intimately connected with this consideration is the recollection of God’s exceeding love towards us, in that “while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.” [29b] In our very state of guilt and rebellion it was, that He came into the world; that He did and suffered so much, “to seek and to save that which was lost.” Suppose that man had never transgressed; and that God had sent an angel, to shew him the way to a happier and higher condition, than that in which he was created: this would have been an act of free and undeserved mercy; but that He should have sent His beloved Son, to “suffer for sins, the just for the unjust,” [29c] to be born and to tabernacle in a world of guilt and sorrow; to be exposed to rejection and scorn, to indignity and cruelty; to endure the conflicts of Satan and the bitterest agonies of death; this was indeed an act of love, surpassing the bounds of thought; a mystery of goodness “into which angels desire to look,” but cannot penetrate. Every believing soul must be overpowered by such a contemplation; must be lost in wonder, love, and praise.
