Читать книгу Plain Parochial Sermons, preached in the Parish Church of Bolton-le-Moors онлайн

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Poor and humble did I say? It is to them, that this light is the most easily, and frequently, and effectually communicated. The prosperous and the great too often resemble the wealthy Ephesians, “having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart;” [5] revelling in the self-sufficiency of their earthly comforts, proud of their acquirements, fond of their own way, they disdain to be taught the humbling truths of the gospel from a fellow-creature like themselves: and often has the minister of the gospel to be thankful to his Lord and Master, that, when he finds his message rejected and despised by his wealthier hearers, it still makes its way into the hearts of some of the poor: grieved he is indeed, that those, who ought to know it best and love it most, should be so deluded by worldly vanities and follies, as to continue, amidst all their advantages of education, in spiritual darkness and death; set against the messenger, because hating the truth of his message: yet, is it a comfort to him, sincere and unspeakable, that he meets with more success among the ignorant, as they are called, and the children of the poor: that there he finds wisdom, “the wisdom which is from above;” and there he finds friends among the friends of God.
