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“In the hall, governor! I never left the hall for a second! I should have seen her go out, blow it!”

“Still, she’s not here now...”

“So I see,” moaned the man, quite flabbergasted.

“She must have got tired of waiting and gone away. But, dash it all, I should like to know how she got out!”

“How she got out?” said Lupin. “It doesn’t take a wizard to tell that.”

“What do you mean?”

“She got out through the window. Look, it’s still ajar. We are on the ground-floor... The street is almost always deserted, in the evenings. There’s no doubt about it.”

He had looked around him and satisfied himself that nothing had been taken away or moved. The room, for that matter, contained no knick-knack of any value, no important paper that might have explained the woman’s visit, followed by her sudden disappearance. And yet why that inexplicable flight?

“Has any one telephoned?” he asked.


“Any letters?”

“Yes, one letter by the last post.”

“Where is it?”

“I put it on your mantel-piece, governor, as usual.”
