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If this quite easy accomplishment of the wife is successfully performed, she has no husband left, at least for a while, and the explosion has ruined her own chance of happiness, until more explosive is provided.

The husband’s unequivocal task, therefore, which alone assures his erotically supporting his wife is rigidly to remain uninflammable until she, metaphorically speaking, is in ashes herself. For this scientific reduction of the modern wife, the modern husband needs, for he rarely finds it instinctively, the help of the present-day technique of love as taught by the best erotologists.[12]

This will enable him to avoid being consumed to a condition where he is no longer able to produce any effect at the very time when an effect is most loudly clamored for by nature.

The quick ignition of explosive powder produces only a puff and a flash, but the wife desires no flashlight of that type but a guiding star.

True mutuality, therefore, cannot be present in a couple where the husband does not reverse this process and absolutely retain his own emotional tension until her erotic acme has taken place. It cannot be too often repeated that the only means of securing the wife’s emotional catharsis in the acme of the love episode is the husband’s remaining tense and unrelaxed, avoiding his own emotional catharsis until hers is, beyond the peradventure of a doubt, secured.
