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Beside our sea journal, I have collected the observations I made while in the kingdoms of Chili and Peru, concerning the Spanish dominions in America. The trade, customs, luxury, and gallantry of the Creolians. To which I have added an account of their gold and silver mines, their manner of separating the mineral from the ore, and many other things; all which together, I need not doubt, will prove an agreeable history of this voyage.

In the proceding of our two ships I have the pleasure to be well assisted; having procured the original journal of Mr. George Taylor, chief mate to captain Clipperton, who commanded this expedition, which I shall make use of to invalidate captain Shelvocke’s false accounts: which journal will at once let the reader into the most material transactions of Clipperton, and convince mankind of his faithful intentions, tho’ Shelvocke has taken such mighty pains to vilify him.

Besides which, I have the concurring evidence of many who were aboard the Speedwell; some of which are now in London ready to speak the truth: and tho I am thorowly satisfyd our story will speak it self, yet some of the chief facts are already sworn to; the affidavits being filed in Chancery, and to be seen at the office in Chancery-lane.
