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“You just want to get out of it, Daisy!” teased Lily.

“Maybe I do,” the younger girl admitted. “Anyway, Marj, you go call up Mrs. Hadley now.”

Marjorie flashed a triumphant smile.

“I will,” she agreed; “and while I’m doing that, you, Lil, go call Dick.”

Lily made a face, but started towards the door.

“I guess I better go tell Jeannette first,” she said.




“What do you think we ought to wear, Marj?” inquired Lily, as she began to dress for the evening. “Dance frocks?”

“No, I don’t think so,” replied Marjorie thoughtfully. “We want to look like chaperones, so we ought to appear matronly. Let’s wear dark dresses, and put nets over our hair.”

“You’ll be suggesting that we borrow horn-rimmed spectacles next,” joked the other.

“Anyway, I believe that I’ll put on my dark blue velvet. It has chiffon sleeves, you know, so it would pass for an evening dress. We’re going to drive, aren’t we?”

“Certainly. Which car?”

“Oh, use mine; you don’t care, do you, Lil?”

“It’s immaterial to me; mine’s put away, anyhow.”
