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“Bosh!” exclaimed Marjorie, lightly. “You know I won’t play politics, Lil!”

“That isn’t playing politics, my dear. But naturally the girls want a leader who is sociable. And really, you’re just the one for the office.”

“It’s awfully nice of you to say that, Lil, but I guess you’re prejudiced. And I honestly don’t care a lot about having it, so I’m not going to work for it.” Her tone grew pleading, “Lil, be nice and stay home with me!”

“She will, Marj, don’t worry!” remarked Alice. “She always does what you want.”

“Yes, and Marj does what I want, too,” added Lily, squeezing her arm affectionately. “So I’m not going to urge her if she’s tired.” Then, with a sly glance at the others, “She’ll be elected, anyhow!”

When they were alone, they dropped comfortably into their favorite seats, smiling across at each other in content. Both had been hiking all afternoon, through the lovely autumn woods, and both appreciated the chance to rest. There were so few such chances in a busy senior’s life!

“Lil,” began Marjorie, dreamily, as she let her gaze wander about the familiar sitting room which had been so dear to them both for three years, “Lil, I would like to do something this year.”
