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“Now, girls, are you ready to vote on the question? Do you, or do you not want to organize as a scout troop?”

Looking about the group, she saw hesitation written on several of their countenances; only their youthful leader seemed to sustain the enthusiasm. As usual, she was the spokesman.

“Shall we take a vote on it?” repeated Marjorie.

“Yea—all right,” assented Queenie. “Only first tell me: if we have just an ordinary club, would you be our leader?”

“No—I’m very sorry. But I want to devote my spare time in the interests of scouting.”

“Could we dance?” inquired Aggie, with a giggle.

“Certainly,” responded Marjorie—“that is, subject to supervision—Now, if you’re ready, let’s vote. All in favor of forming a scout troop, say ‘Aye.’”

“Aye!” answered Queenie loudly with a faint echo from the others.

“Opposed, ‘No.’”

There was silence.

“But you must be sure of yourselves, girls,” Marjorie insisted. “There have to be at least eight girls to form a troop—and there are only eight here tonight—so if one dropped out, it would be impossible to organize. Please don’t be afraid to speak out frankly: if there are any who do not care to join, now is the time to say so!”
