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Lactagogue.—A medicine which increases the flow of milk, as extract of malt, jaborandi, etc.
Laxative.—A medicine that loosens the bowels; a mild cathartic or purgative, as potassium nitrate, sulphur, etc.
Lenitive.—A substance having the quality to relieve pain or protecting tissues from the actions of irritants, as fats, oils, etc.
Liquefacient.—A medicine which promotes the liquefying processes of the system, as potassium iodide, etc.
Lithagogue.—A medicine which expels calculi (or stones) from the kidneys or bladder, as benzoic acid, etc.
Litholytic or Lithontriptic.—A medicine to dissolve calculi (or stones) as benzoate of ammonia, carbonate of potassium, etc.
Lubricant.—A substance which soothes irritated surfaces of the throat and their fauces, as honey, olive oil, etc.
Medicament.—Any medicine used in the treatment of diseases or wounds.
Medicine.—Any substance for the cure of disease.
Mydriatic.—An agent which dilates or enlarges the pupil of the eye, whether used internally or externally, as atrophine.