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“‘I have no skill at such arts; finish it, Maya.’

“She smiled, and, kneeling down, traced the half of a face within the outline that I had drawn, saying:

“‘Is it enough, or do you need the writing also?’

“‘It is enough,’ I answered. ‘Now, lord, what do you desire?’

“‘I desire to know where that which is hidden can be brought to light, and if it dwells in this land, for I have journeyed far to seek it.’

“‘It dwells here,’ I answered, ‘for I have beheld it with my eyes, and he guards it who is its keeper.’

“‘Can you lead me to him, brother?’

“‘No, for I have no such commands; but perhaps I can bring him to you, though I must journey by sea and land to find him—that is, if he wills to come. Say, what message shall I give? That a stranger whom I have met desires to look upon the holy symbol? It will scarcely bring him so far.’

“‘Nay, tell him that the hour is come for “Night” and “Day” to be joined together, that a new sun may shine in a new sky.’

“‘I can tell him this, but will he believe it, seeing that I have no proof? Will he not rather think that some cunning stranger and false brother lays a plot to trap him? Give me proofs, lord, or I do not start upon this errand.’
