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As stated by Dimmock: “The hypopharynx is usually present in Diptera (according to Menzbier absent in Sargus), and contains a tube, opening by a channel on its upper surface; this channel extends back, more or less, from the tip, and is the outlet for the salivary secretion. The tip of the hypopharynx may be naked and used as a lance (Hæmatopota, according to Menzbier), or may be hairy (Musca). The upper side of the base of the hypopharynx is continuous with the lower wall of the pharynx; its under surface may entirely coalesce with the labium (Culex, male), may join the labium more or less, anterior to the month (Musca), or, if either mandibles or maxillæ are present, its base may join them (Culex, female).” (p. 43.)

Fig. 69.—Section of head of Machilis maritima: hyp, hypopharynx; lbr, labrum; t, tentorium; ph, room in which the mandibles move on each other; p, paraglossa; mx, labium; sd, salivary duct; s.gl, salivary gland. oe, œsophagus.—After Oudemans.

We will now briefly describe the lingua, first of the mandibulate or biting insects, and then its specialized form, the hypopharynx of the haustellate and lapping insects.
