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‘But to do that he would have to know the way. how can I explain myself? – it would mean that he had been here before – that he knew his surroundings.’

‘That is true,’ replied colonel Melrose.

‘We could find out, doubtless, if Mr Ackroyd had received any strangers during the past week?’

‘Young Raymond could tell us that,’ I said.

‘Or Parker,’ suggested colonel Melrose.

‘Ou tous les deux,’ suggested Poirot, smiling.

Colonel Melrose went in search of Raymond, and I rang the bell once more for Parker. Colonel Melrose returned almost immediately, accompanied by the young secretary, whom he introduced to Poirot. Geoffrey Raymond was fresh and debonair as ever. He seemed surprised and delighted to make Poirot’s acquaintance.

‘No idea you’d been living among us incognito, M. Poirot,’ he said. ‘It will be a great privilege to watch you at work – hallo, what’s this?’

Poirot had been standing just to the left of the door. Now he moved aside suddenly, and I saw that while my back was turned he must have swiftly drawn out the armchair till it stood in the position Parker had indicated.
