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I went in. Caroline had her hat on, and had evidently just come in from the village.

She began without preamble. ‘I met Mr Ackroyd.’

‘Yes?’ I said.

‘I stopped him, of course, but he seemed in a great hurry, and anxious to get away.’

I have no doubt but that that was the case. he would feel towards Caroline much as he had felt towards Miss Gannett earlier in the day – perhaps more so. Caroline is less easy to shake off.

‘I asked him at once about ralph. he was absolutely astonished. had no idea the boy was down here. he actually said he thought I must have made a mistake. I! A mistake!’

‘Ridiculous,’ I said. ‘he ought to have known you better.’

‘Then he went on to tell me that ralph and flora are engaged.’

‘I knew that, too,’ I interrupted, with modest pride.

‘Who told you?’

‘Our new neighbour.’

Caroline visibly wavered for a second or two, much as if a roulette ball might coyly hover between two numbers. Then she declined the tempting red herring.

‘I told Mr Ackroyd that ralph was staying at the Three Boars.’
