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But the women were not satisfied with this answer.

"We want to know which of us you love the greatest," they insisted.

"My beloved ones, I can't see why you're quarrelling. My heart belongs to the both of you."

But the women were unrelenting. "You can't shake us off that easily. We’ll keep at it until you reveal to us the mistress of your heart."

Finally, the sheikh gave in.

"Alright," he said. "I will tell you the truth. My heart belongs to the one I gave a gold necklace."

The women looked at each other, each thinking that she had won. The peace in the house was restored.






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Шейх сказал: “There you go again!” – «Ну вот, заладили опять!». Эту фразу произносят, когда с недовольством отзываются о чьем-то типичном поведении. Например: “I just told you not to slam the door, and there you go again!” – «Я только что сказал тебе, чтобы ты не хлопала дверью, а ты опять хлопаешь!»
