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Поэтому они оставили кольцо на пальце old фермера, который всегда думал, что это кольцо исполнения желаний, хотя это было не так. И всё же кольцо принесло ему столько happiness, сколько только мог пожелать человек. Действительно, плохая thing в хороших руках лучше, чем хорошая thing в плохих руках.

as a remembrance – на память

happiness – счастье

keep – хранить

look – смотреть, поглядывать

old – старый

once – однажды

ring – кольцо

thing – вещь

want – хотеть

young – молодой

* * *

The youngest son wanted to take the ring from the father's finger as a remembrance; but the eldest son said,

“No, don't take the ring. Let our dear Father keep it. He liked it so much. And Mother also often looked at it. Perhaps she once gave it to Father, when they were young.”

So they left the ring on the finger of the old farmer, who always thought it was a wishing ring, though it was not. And yet the ring had brought him as much happiness as a man could wish. Indeed, a bad thing in good hands is better than a good thing in bad hands.
