Читать книгу Английские легенды / The English Legends онлайн

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conquer – завоёвывать; захватывать

dynasty – династия

enlarge – увеличивать

fame – слава

honour – честь

in a mysterious manner – таинственным образом

long ago – давно

monarch – монарх

token – знак; свидетельство

treasure – сокровище

treasure – сокровище

tribute – дань

warrior – воин

whence – откуда


Once, long ago, the Danish land owned a mighty monarch, Scyld Scefing, the founder of a great dynasty, the Scyldings. This famous king Scyld had come to Denmark in a mysterious manner, since no man knew whence he sprang. As a babe he drifted to the Danish shore in a vessel loaded with treasures; but no man was with him, and there was no token to show his kindred and race. When Scyld grew up he increased the power of Denmark and enlarged its borders; his fame spread far and wide among men. He and his warriors sailed far over the sea, conquered many tribes and forced them to pay tribute to him. His glory shone undimmed until the day when, full of years and honours, he died.

* * *

Когда Скильд умер, воины took his body на берег океана, где in the harbour стоял его корабль, готовый переплыть the ocean. Тело короля положили on the deck корабля. Затем туда же принесли many treasures, королевское оружие и armour, а голову укрыли a golden banner. После этого воины with sad hearts пустили корабль по волнам. Никто не знал, what happened с этим кораблём. The sorrowing people вернули Скильда таинственному океану, откуда он и пришёл to them.
