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После Скильда the fierce vikings правил его внук. The descendants Скильда управляли страной и способствовали её процветанию до тех пор, пока на трон не взошёл his great-grandson Хротгар.

armour – доспехи

banner – знамя

body – тело

deck – палуба

descendants – потомки

fierce – грозный

golden – золотой

great-grandson – правнук

happen – случаться

harbour – гавань

his – его

in – в

many – многие

ocean – океан

on – на

people – люди

sorrowing – скорбящий

them – им

took – Past Simple от to take (брать)

treasure – сокровище

viking – викинг

what – что

with sad hearts – с великой скорбью

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When Scyld died, his men took his body to the shore of the ocean where, in the harbour, stood Scyld's ship, ready for a journey across the ocean. They laid him on the deck of the ship. Then they brought there many treasures, also his weapons and armour, and put a golden banner high over his head. Then, with sad hearts, they let the ocean carry him away. Nobody ever knew what happened to that ship. The sorrowing people restored Scyld to the mysterious ocean from which he had come to them.
