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What do we do in the meantime? I suppose the answers are more or less obvious. We take sides as our personal and political commitments dictate, use our theoretical and technical resources to avoid the distortions that might introduce into our work, limit our conclusions carefully, recognize the hierarchy of credibility for what is, and field as best we can the accusations and doubts that will surely be our fate (pp. 239; 247).

2) Please, considering the previous sections, try to answer and debate the following questions:


Please, consider the following realms for applying Victimology and provide others of your interest while commenting on critical and ethical issues at stake.

Tyte Mugrefia, a psychotherapist working with victims of genocide in Rwanda states that not even a psychotherapist can give an adequate answer to victims, but we might be able to share with solidarity, to walk some steps with victims and learning with them as activities needed for an emancipatory process (Martín Beristain, 2006). Do you find in these words any parallelism with the above quoted Brené Brown’s video on empathy? What kind of empathy could be developed by people working with victims in different professional and nonprofessional contexts?
