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c) Various research projects financed by the Human Rights Unit of the Basque Government on victims of terrorism and the Justice Department of the Basque Government.

d) Training for students, police, magistrates, lawyers, forensic medicine specialists and the personnel of the public services for victims in the administration of justice. These public services belong to the Justice Department of the Basque Country and have been pioneers in the assistance to victims in Spain. Its experience had a great influence in the drafting of the Statue for Victims of Crime, transposing the European Union Directive 29/2012 on victims’ rights. The BSV and the IVAC/KREI have also collaborated in the Protocol of good practices with victims.

e) International congresses and seminars, for example, the Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (Bilbao, 2012), the European Congress of Restorative Justice (Donostia-San Sebastian, 2016) with GEMME (European Association of Magistrates for Mediation) and the International Symposium of Victimology (Donostia/San Sebastián, 2022).
