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Starting from that reflexive critical framework, victimological work (researching, intervening, evaluating etc.) can be done from different interdisciplinary perspectives using quantitative, qualitative or mixed methodologies.

Image 5: Interdisciplinarity, multi-methodology and triangulation in victim (action) research

Even if we do not have consistent victimological research results, some inconclusive empirical points of departure can be highlighted with due contextualisation.

Image 6: Some points of departure and questioning in on-going research in Victimology


1.5.1. The legal system, the legal professions and victims

The legal rights of victims in Spain will be examined in Chapter 6, but in this introductory section we want to underline how the situation on victims’ rights in Spain was similar to other countries’ before victims’ rights started developing at the end of the 20th century and culminated with the transposition of the UE Directive 2012/29/EU on victims’ rights.
