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Within modern Victimology, Walklate distinguishes between:

i) Realist or constructivist Victimology (concerned with aggregated data and victimisation rates in victim surveysssss1, prevalence, incidence and concentration). This kind of Victimology usually follows a victim’s routine lifestyle and a victimiser’s rational choice model to explain victimisation (Hindelang, Gottfredson y Garofalo, 1978; Cohen and Felson, 1979).

ii) Critical Victimology where radical Victimology on collective suffering and abuse of (state) power can be mentioned.

Image 3: Evolution in Victimology

Beyond the expansion of activist movements for general or specific crime victims worldwide, there has been growing international and comparative legislation on compensation, support and rights, as well as international symposiums, academic courses and training, scientific associations and specialised publications (like the International Review of Victimology, first published in 1989, and the Revista de Victimología/Journal of Victimology, first published in 2015).
