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From this point of view (showing solidarity with those harmed and not producing further harm), Victimology is linked to ethics because it has to do with the actual suffering of living beings, not just objects to be classified, counted or described (Varona, 2020c). This also means that we tend to see some sufferings and not others and that that vision can be easily manipulated for political or economic reasons. Victimologists need to be critical in their studies without situating themselves in an elitist or abstract superiority position about their role on understanding and explaining victims’ own experiences, always diverse, complex and changing. This victimological ethical and critical awareness can be expressed with the idea written in the sculpture in memory of Concepción Arenal at the Oeste Park in Madrid (Spain), which bears the inscription “Concepción Arenal, loved science, comforted pain”.

Image 4: Sculpture in memory of Concepción Arenal at the Oeste Park in Madrid which bears the inscription “Concepción Arenal, loved science, comforted pain”
