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So what does the future hold? History tells us that the more competitive a society is the more conflicts are generated among its members and the more disputes are likely to occur within that society. Today’s society is a highly competitive one and tomorrow’s society is likely to be even more so. The ever-growing scarcity of natural resources creates a social and economic environment where only the fittest can survive. Divisive issues such as climate change, the use of fossil fuels, migration, inequality, disparities in wealth and power, to mention but a few, will continue to cause major rifts, discords and frictions. Religious schisms will likely escalate. Mounting antagonism and animosity are bound to lead to hostility, strives and clashes between opposing factions. We all watched in disbelief what happened on January 6, 2021, at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. So it is to be expected that friction, enmity and acrimony will create a fertile terrain for victimisation of all kinds. And this in turn will generate a pressing and strongly felt need for Victimology.
