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• Support. Telling the victim’s story may increase public support for victim assistance initiatives.

At the same time, the Canadian Resource Center for Victims of Crime highlights the possible risks of speaking out in the media:

• The Police Investigation. It is wise to refrain from commenting in the media, especially if the police are still investigating. Speaking to the media during the police investigation or trial could jeopardize a criminal case. Victims should be sure to consult with the police media officer or victim services staff if they are unsure.

• Well-Being. For some victims, speaking publicly about what happened to them can intensify the trauma of victimisation. It takes time to work through being victimised, let alone coping with ongoing police investigations, court processes and intrusive media.

• Lack of Control. It is impossible to predict how one’s case will be covered, if at all. There is potential for gaps in coverage and intensity of coverage. Some cases get little coverage due to competing breaking news at the time.
