Читать книгу Deporte e Inclusión Social. Herramientas para el trabajo con grupos humanos. Sport and Social Inclusion: Tools for working with human groups онлайн

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Universitat Internacional de València

Chapter 1

The competences of the Expert in Social Inclusion through Sports

Dra. Dolores Limón Domínguez

University of Seville

Dr. Cristóbal Torres Fernández

Valencian International University

Dr. Jesús Conde Jiménez

University of Seville

Wilbemis Jerez Rivero

University of Seville


The struggle to achieve the full social inclusion of the citizenship in the society stands as a priority objective of modern institutional agendas. Consequently, it is inevitable to implement effective policies that have as their central axis the health, cultural, wage, educational, labour and economic improvement of those most in need. But, above all, these actions should be under the frame of the social justice.

At the international level, there are important instruments whose apexes are aimed at promoting full equality among people and moving towards the configuration of more inclusive societies. In this normative course, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that promote the transformation of the world through its 17 SDGs and 169 targets stand out with special relevance, by focusing on people, the planet, prosperity, peace and partnerships.
