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These are the main competences that will be acquired by a person who studies the Expert Course in Social Inclusion through Sports.


In conclusion, we can state that more research is needed on inclusion through sport at the meso and macro levels, as they are concerned about the ultimate potential of sport to facilitate structural transformation towards a more socially inclusive society (Suzuki, 2017). Thus, from our perspective and based on the aforementioned research we understand that sports activities constitute an opportunity and meeting place between people, each with their characteristics, interests and abilities. This meeting place, well cared for by professional people, allows the emotional encounter between people who can combine their experiences, even from the competition to find in a coordinated way a way to overcome their lifestyles of social exclusion.

In order for this to become a reality, it is necessary that at institutional level the same mistakes are not repeated as in the past, where it was intended to achieve the social and economic globalization of world citizenship, and what was promoted was economic globalization for the benefit of a few and increasing poverty levels and social differences in general. We must therefore talk about social inclusion under the paradigm of social justice, which must illuminate the path of the new generations.

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