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Young women who still want to become mothers also don’t like to hear that their unresolved traumas can go on to influence their ability to be a mother. They prefer to think that they can build up their ‘resilience’ and hope that they can live in a happy relationship with their partner and become a ‘good’ mother without any trauma therapy. Many women are also sceptical about the offer to work through their traumas before they become pregnant. Some hope that there is research that contradicts my findings that trauma is inevitably passed on in the parent-child relationship.

5 Stjernswärd S (2021) Getting to Know the Inner Self. Exploratory Study of Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy-Experiences and Value From Multiple Perspectives. Front. Psychiatry 12:526399. doi: 10.3389/ fpsyt.2021.526399. This article can be found online here: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.526399/full (retrieved 04/08/21)


Further opposition to my way of thinking will come from advocates of ‘gender mainstreaming’. Am I saying that lesbian or gay couples cannot be good parents for their adopted, surrogate or sperm/egg donor children? Am I denying these people their happiness in life?
