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From my point of view, everyone is entitled to have a desire to have children and should be able to find a way to reconcile with that. This topic is a great opportunity for personal growth. But all I’m asking is that people please also put themselves in the position of a child who, for example, in the womb of a surrogate mother, is expected to make no emotional contact with her. Such children are usually also born by caesarean section. What effect does it have on them when they are separated from their surrogate mother immediately after birth, without breastfeeding and are given over to their supposedly ‘real’ parents only days later? This example makes it particularly clear how ignorant and clueless most people are about the basics of our psychological development, namely the pre-, peri- and postnatal moments.6

I am conscious that this book is in many places a challenge to the currently prevailing mainstream. Those who have never dealt with the topic of psychological trauma may be infuriated by this and think: ‘According to you then everyone must be traumatised!’ But that’s not what I’m saying - psychotrauma is something very specific and can be clearly defined, even if there are different approaches to it, as is always the case in psychology.7 But please bear this in mind: Even if 100% of all people were traumatised, 100% of them would still have healthy psychological parts within them and could use these for healing their traumas. It is never too early and never too late to start.
